We are making a difference!

For the past three weeks, in order to meet the growing demand for food in Washington DC, Food For All DC has been increasing the number of food recipients by 100 weekly. Last week we provide food deliveries to 413 people. The following client testimonies show the impact our food is having: 

I don’t get food stamps, so this is a big help. The food was excellent and I could use everything. I pray for the volunteers continuously. 

Bonita, a recent cancer survivor

My daughter and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The two ladies who brought our food gave me the uplift I needed to get through the week. 

Chatara, recently unemployed

I appreciate your volunteers so much. They are doing a great service for the seniors.

Betty, a senior citizen

In terms of volunteer drivers, we had a record week, with 50 drivers showing up on Saturday to make 120 deliveries. It is heartening to experience the great spirit of service that is moving community members to support each other. 

It’s been another great week for our fundraising efforts. In total we’ve raised almost $18,000 in a month which is outstanding. We received a wonderful donation of $1000 from an individual who wrote:

“This is the bulk of my stimulus check. Please use it for those in genuine need”

Thanks to EVERYONE who has contributed.

The photos below show thank you notes from some of the women beneficiaries at the YWCA, all of whom were formerly homeless; and one of the volunteers from Passion City Church delivering to a recipient who was recently made unemployed.

