Food For All DC (FFA) had yet another record week, with 538 people benefiting from our food. A number of them are recently laid off restaurant workers who are struggling to pay bills and feed families. They are so appreciative of the support they receive from FFA:
I am very grateful for FFA’s big heart that helps so many people. I have always worked and never needed to ask for help before. I am amazed by how people are helping each other. A big thanks for FFA!
How beautiful that FFA can help with food, and in Spanish!
FFA was able to garner the support of two former restaurant workers on a casual basis. They were so happy with this good fortune. Julio, whose wife is expecting their first baby, mentioned a saying used in Latin countries about babies coming with “torta bajo el brazo” – a “sandwich under the arm.” This means that babies bring good luck!
The partnership with Passion City Church is strengthening week-by-week. Passion City now has 23 volunteer drivers on call to deliver emergency food. This past week they delivered food within twenty-four hours of the initial request to a survivor of domestic abuse, a man discharged from hospital, and three people suddenly quarantined with positive COVID-19 diagnoses.
Passion City Church also brought the Convoy of Hope to Washington DC, a faith-based movement that provides food in emergencies. FFA received 2500 pounds of supplies from the convey, including care kits of toiletry items, which are much needed by our clients.
image: Julio stocking the shelves in the Food For All DC pantry
Finally our laptop appeal got off to a great start! 11 laptops were donated last week alone (with more promised) and we’re going to start setting these up this week. Thanks to everyone who donated one.