Laptops for All!

In the course of assisting people with food, we have observed that some families do not have laptops to support the (now) online education of their children. Some are able to borrow school computers; others have to use smart phones.

So we decided extend our services to “laptops for all” and gave out the first two computers last week.

Ana’s daughter (see photo) was the first recipient of a laptop from Food For All DC (FFA), and will now be able to complete her studies more conveniently. Before she was using a smart phone.

Ana has worked hard these past seven years to support her family, and never needed to ask for help. Then the virus came, causing her to lose her restaurant job and look for means to pay rent and keep her family fed. Ana is so grateful for the food assistance she has received from FFA For All. She appreciates the “big hearts” of FFA volunteers who want to help others so much. 

Ana gives a big “thank you” to FFA for caring for her and her family in these challenging times.


image: eight newly refurbished laptops for distribution. Each laptop takes two hours to prepare


image: Ana and her son and daughter with her new FFA laptop.