Supply & Demand
The beneficiary numbers are still increasing with over 3200 people served last week. We needed four trucks to get food to all the distribution sites.
Through Food Rescue DC, Food for All DC (FFA) is now receiving 6 pallets (240 boxes) a week of shelf stable groceries from the DC Government for at least another month. Along with the CFAP food, FFA is distributing 30 pallets of free food every week to many of our fifteen partners – most of which we deliver straight from the source – bypassing the church entirely!
The number of client calls is rising again, with an average of 50 calls a week since mid-September. Many new clients are hearing about FFA from friends and neighbors.
Driver numbers have been down slightly recently (although we did have enough last Saturday) and as usual the Saturday crew handled the daunting task with their usual professionalism and determination.
We got the following report from the staff of Bancroft Elementary School, who receive food from FFA through the coordination of Mount Pleasant Neighbors Helping Neighbors:
Many of our Bancroft families were able to receive food that otherwise they would not have been able to purchase. We have helped over 90 Bancroft families along with another 50 Mt. Pleasant families every Friday. It has also helped us maintain a close trusting relationship with our Bancroft families and the community at large. The overall impact that Food for All DC has had for the community is powerful and life changing. When the COVID-19 pandemic started, no one knew how long this pandemic was going to last and if there was any government relief in sight or available to the Bancroft community. Many of our families lost their jobs and were struggling to make ends meet. This food distribution helped families get to a place where they can offer food to their children.
This Thursday we welcome back a small team of folks from Industrious, the flexible workspace/office company to help us make up 150 grocery bags.
We will be launching an new appeal to individuals soon, and are applying for a number of foundation grants. We spent an average of $6000 a week in September (including the purchase of a new two-door commercial refrigerator as we attempt to avoid waste), and need to constantly look for new sources of funding.
Other news
We have new long-sleeved t-shirts and masks ordered! Look out for an update on this in the next few weeks.
Best wishes to all!