Food For All: What volunteer work have you done for FFA?
Reza: Because of my knowledge of Spanish, I was asked to deliver food to the Latinx community. It was great getting to know people, most of whom lost their jobs because of the slowdown in the restaurant industry. The food we provided helped them get through this sudden challenge.
FFA: Why do you volunteer?
Reza: I am a spiritual person, which for me means creating connections with all life and expanding horizons. Food For All was a natural fit as it helped me become more aligned with people I did not know. If we have any hope of changing the world, we need to become familiar with each other. In a small way, therefore, Food For All has helped me contribute towards manifesting the world I want to see.
FFA: Have you faced any challenges?
Reza: It’s not always easy. There are times I’ve had to deal with ill-mannered people when driving along DC streets, when trying to park and when interacting with some clients. I am learning to meet people where they are and remain centered all the time.
FFA: Do you have any final thoughts?
Reza: Volunteering at FFA is enhanced by the camaraderie among the volunteers. It is so uplifting to interact with people motivated by their hearts.